Chris Low

Digital marketer.

I’m currently a digital marketer, looking to move into the data industry.

Reach me here

Open for – full time employment.

Data Science
Portfolio site

Chris create his own Data Science Portfolio site during Data Science Uncut Bootcamp.

The Elon Musk Effect

If you have been on the news for the past new months, you would have known a little about the rise and fall (and rise again recently) of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. If you are in a little bit deeper, you would have heard how Elon Musk single-handedly "influenced" the cryptocurrency market, especially Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

Telco Churn Analysis

One of the biggest challenges Telco companies face is their customers terminating their contract for various reasons (or known as "churn"), such as getting a better package or experience from the other companies.Therefore, it is essential for a Telco company to investigate the underlying reasons of their customers churning. By doing so, the company will then be able to focus on the real problem, improve it, and ultimately reducing their churn rate.

HR Attrition Dashboard

In this case study, Chris have built a dashboard for a stakeholder - the HR manager who has some particular busines questions in mind, regarding to the company's attrition rate.

Risk of Conorary Heart Disease

There are many factors one could have contracted a Conorary Heart Disease (CHD). In this project, by using the Framingham Health Dataset, I attempt to predict who will most likely contract CHD by using a decision tree.

Hotel's Review on TripAdvisor

Being in the hotel / homestay industry myself in the past, I know how important it is to always keep an eye on the reviews, as it could literally make or break the brand. This goal of this project is to analyze a hotel's reviews listed on TripAdvisor, and measure their sentiments.

Social Media Ads Forecasting

How would you allocate a marketing budget of $100,000 among the three social media platforms that we are using right now, based on our past performance?